All Divisions of K. Corporation

As this company covers a lot of different services, it was divided into multiple divisions. Here is a summary of all divisions.

World Wide Web

K. Host

K. Host supplies multiple webservices to everyone. It is the top priority to give the customers the freedom and to provide maximum trust by relying on free and open source software and to decentralize the world wide web. Not all services can be hosted cheap, which is why some are not available for the public.

K. W40k

K. W40k is all about Warhammer 40k. This is just a bit of documentation to my hobby, nothing too fancy. Currently there is only a (german) introduction to the lore of the universe on that site, in future I am probably going to add pictures of my miniatures, but right now I am too poor for that.


K. Systems

K. Systems combines the two other subdivisions of the Engineering department, by creating compex systems, Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and microcontroller projects.

K. Parts

K. Parts creates a wide range of models and parts depending on the customers needs. The division is renown for a close cooperation with the customer and a great consulting regarding material strenghts, availability and cost.

K. Code

K. Code is the poor division that has to create the most lifeless part of every project: The software. Their service includes scripts for the UNIX-shell, data analysis via machine learning, blockchain libraries to support artificial intelligence and process optimization in different languages (C, C++, C#, Python2 and 3, Java, Haskell, CSS, PHP, SQL, MLPD and many more). These underpaid lowlifes are even capable of implementing a double stonterer chimney extension mask, if the price is right.

Artistic operations

K. Arts

K. Arts is responsible for all picture-related assignments. The division is focused on graphical design and photo editing, but can also handle photography, drawings and illustrations.

K. Studios

K. Studios operates mainly on video editing tasks and the creation of cinematic trailers and presentations. Recording videos is also within the divisions expertise.